Thursday, December 17, 2009

7th salsa class: Lima, 2009-12-13

The 7th salsa class turned into a private class: Only Robert and Gissela, and Eidi & I.

We repeated the first and second parts of our sequence, fixing the feet in Remolino (leader must step "inside" on 7 with right foot), doing well in the first class without basicos! In the second part, we're still doing it with basicos in between the moves, to give the poor guy a chance the think. :)

After fine-tuning some details, including the hand-toss leads in La Cruz, we started on part 3 of the sequence. Gisela asked for some solo moves, known as shines, so we focused on that, and introduced two new solo steps, useful for solo shines:

- Mambo step.
This is simple: You tap with your toes forwards on 1, 3, 5, 7: Left, Right, Left, Right (followers: Reverse foot order). No weight is shifted onto the tapping foot. The mambo step is for solo dancing. It looks even better with some armwork added.

- Bicicleta: This is all about placing your feet in line. Left foot in front of the right on 1, then on 2-3 the feet move backwards so you stay on the same spot. Repeat on 5-7 with the other foot first (followers: Reverse foot order). It's important that the feet really are exactly one in front of the other, that's what gives this step its character. Looks good combined with a body roll or some wavy armwork.

Using the new steps, the entire part three of the sequence is solo dancing:

For the leader:

9-11) Stand still, feet apart, clap 3-2 clave with macho attitude.
12) Mambo Cross: Do mambo step front and right, two taps in each direction. Rotation towards the right. First tap is with left foot.
13) Do mambo step back and left, two taps in each direction. Rotation towards the right.
14) Return to the line. Basic step, move in close to the follower. Hand on her back on 8.
15 Pick up the follower, nice and easy into closed hold on 1-3, and on 5-7 Cross Body Lead.

For the follower:

9) Right turn with styling: Right arm spiraling up, close to body, above head in the turn into holding an egg. Arm moves like a corkscrew, hand always points up. Fingers end in a crest-like spread. Palm faces right when finished.
10) 1-3 Basico, 5-7 Bicicleta
11) Bicicleta
12) Mambo Cross: Do mambo step front and right, two taps in each direction. Rotation towards the right. First tap is with right foot.
13) Do mambo step back and left, two taps in each direction. Rotation towards the right.
14) Return to the line. Rumba step.
15) Cross Body Lead.

So at the end of 15), we're back in closed hold, ready for part four of the sequence. Keep practicing!

And for all, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 2010 will be a monster year for salsa dancing! Big hugs to everyone.

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