Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Fourth salsa class: Lima, 2009-11-22

The fourth salsa class saw more attendants: Juan-Carlos and Melanie, Robert, and newcomers Gissela and Johnny participated. With Eidi & I, of course.

Since we had newcomers, this class was purely repetition of the third class.

* One thing with which all the leaders had problems was how to do a leader's right turn on 1-2-3. The difficulty turned out to be that they didn't step well on 2, and therefore had to push very hard on 3. When this was explained the turns looked much better!

* We did some fine-tuning of the leader's left hand grip when leading a turn: twist the palm inside the follower's hooked fingers, and gently grip the back of the follower's hand with the thumb for a steadier lead.

* The leaders also had some problems with the move cross body lead, which turned out to be that they didn't step well on 5-6-7. Clearly counting and stepping solved the problem.

That's all we did in the fourth class - repetition. Can't ever repeat too much. Keep practicing!

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